It's like The Michael Howland Show. Just smaller and cuter. Waaaayyy cuter.

Friday, March 28, 2008

No Easter Bunny

My Easter weekend was very busy. Saturday, I went with mommy to decorate a cheesecake egg Faberge style at Cheesecake and Crime. Afterward Malia, Satomi and Violet met up with mommy and I to go to Town Square for Easter festivities. The center square was crowded with kids with their Easter baskets and parents running after them. Because of the huge crowd and the girls were hungry, I missed a photo opportunity with the Easter bunny. Sunday, mommy and daddy took me to the Easter celebration at the Montelago Village in Lake Las Vegas. The village was filled with people spending their Easter. I watched people pass by as mommy and daddy ate lunch out in the patio. After that, I waited for the Easter bunny until daddy said he needed to go home to sleep because he was working that night. So I did not have any picture with the Easter Bunny but that's okay because my mommy made an Easter bunny playing the ukulele on her Faberge egg for me. Besides, I got to stand in his chair for a while.
I had another doctor's appointment this week and here is my updated stats. I am now 23" long and 13 lbs 4 oz. I'm almost double my birth size. I like to grab mommy's hair, my hanging toys and straws from my favorite waitress's pocket. While I play, I like moving my head from side to side like I'm saying no but I don't even know what that means yet. I can turn from my back to my tummy and tummy to back with no problems. I've learned to scoot myself off of my play blanket when I'm on the floor. I love to smile, laugh and talk to anyone who talks to me. I drool...A LOT. My dad calls me the drool machine. I also love to suck on my fingers/hands. As you know, I've started eating rice cereal and oatmeal. My mommy and daddy also have given me bananas with my cereal and now applesauce. Mmmm... I love it when they do that.

Mommy and daddy say we're going to Hawaii in two weeks. I can't wait to meet my mommy's side of the family. I heard there's a lot of them. Well, I'll let you know about my adventures in Hawaii. Till then... Aloha!



mariland said...

Dear Grandson Lee,

Please thank your mom and dad for sharing what's happening to you. It is so special to see and read about your everyday activities. I know you will have a wonderful time in Hawaii. You will meet so many family members. Try to remember their names, that's important.

We hope you will come to visit us in New York soon. We don't have a big family, but we have lots of friends who want to meet you. And, Grandpa and I need a LEE FIX!
I understand that you will be meeting some of the Sias family this weekend. Aunt Nancy is so excited about having you all meet at her house. I'm jealous! Be sure to send pictures to me.

Grandpa and I love you so much and love seeing your blog (althought we'd much prefer the real thing!).

Please give mommy and daddy big kisses and hugs from us.


I almost forgot. Thank you for the beautiful anniversary flowers. We love looking at them.

Anonymous said...

Hello there Lee! I have been reading/enjoying your journal/blog and keeping up with your pics. Man you're very handsome and come to think of it you're going to be strong/athletic and smart one too. U know what I'm thinking of Bruce Lee - just a thought that u may be as strong as him - even better. Hey I have good news - about 3 mos after you're born, my first grandchild was born on 3-16-08 named Lilly Jade Blasingame. Really excited to have you added to our family(your mom's side) I'm sure that Jade can't wait to meet you someday. She's in Norfolk,VA. Her Dad, a marine soon to be Capt Dan. Her mom,Jamie, & ur mom grew up together in HI. She had the same problem - the longest labor ever like nothing happened for about 28 hours then had C-Sect.
Whew - well she's fine, jade's fine, u & ur mom's fine thank God.
Just got back fr VA to see ur 3rd cousin. C ur G-ma Kaya & I r 1st, then my daughter Jamie & ur mom are 2nd cous that puts you and Jade 3rd cousins. Who knows you may come & visit TX one day to meet us? Enjoy you visit to Hawaii
I'm sure you're gonna be loved/spoiled there from our relatives - am so jealous right now - want to hold u.

Well, gotta go Lee, and kiss your mom/dad for us fr Texas. Loving you always,
Lola Carmen