It's like The Michael Howland Show. Just smaller and cuter. Waaaayyy cuter.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Adventures to Disney World

(If you want to see a picture in greater detail, you can click on the picture and it should open up in a bigger format.)
Lee decided that he needed a vacation so we packed up and headed down to Walt Disney World! That's the one in Florida for those who don't know.

That cute castmember is the first person Lee blew a kiss too. Hasn't done it since.

Lee LOVES the water!

Lee got along with all the animals, big and small.

Lee also had a few "firsts" at WDW. In the video below, while the form isn't perfect, Lee had his first unassisted slide!

Not only that but Lee also had...

His first haircut! Which led to him getting...
"First Haircut" Ears!

We all had a wonderful time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lee, THANK YOU for the photos of your trip to Disney World - what a time you and your mom and dad had! Did you sleep at all while in FL? You and your mom and dad all GLOW in the photos - I know that your time at Disney was VERY SPECIAL! With Love, Great Aunt Nancy