It's like The Michael Howland Show. Just smaller and cuter. Waaaayyy cuter.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Update

This month was just busy with story time activites...

Making paper snow angel after the "Winter Extravaganza Puppet Show."

Just doing a dinosaur puzzle after story time.

Digging for bones after the "Dinosaur" story time

Drinking with Xavier after the twin's 1st birthday party.

Dusty & I under the computer table.

At the moment, I can recognize all of my alphabet, count up to 3, like to scribble on my eraser board or on Mommy's sudoku book. My current weight is 26 lbs & I'm about 33 inches tall.

Time to go to story time.

Our Christmas Celebration-Part 2

Our Christmas Celebration had a part two because Aunt Karen & Uncle Brian came to see me.

Again I could open more presents. Yay!