It's like The Michael Howland Show. Just smaller and cuter. Waaaayyy cuter.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer time has Indeed Hit Las Vegas...

Dusty and I playing together inside...
The family thought to spend some time at Puerto Panasco, Mexico for some golf....
some sun & beach.....
some food and of course, chocolate milk....

I got to go to Disneyland with Mom and Aunty Katlin...
Can you guess what ride I'm on here?! (Dad, I know you know where this is so don't answer.)

Waiting to ride Dumbo.... and Finally riding it...
Waiting to shoot some Z with Buzz Light Year for the 3rd, 4th time...
Bubble entertainment while waiting for the "World of Magic" to start....Want some popcorn?!

Grapes and Mac & Cheese...

Maybe, work at In-N-Out... Can I take your order?

-Lee, the Burger Expert


Aunt Nancy said...

Hi Lee - Love your latest UPDATE and PHOTOS! What a summer! And, today (8/4) you go off to LEGO LAND and MEXICAN GOLF with your parents and your Grandmother and Grandfather Howland! Frankly, I like In and Out Burgers, but I'm not sure about Mac and Cheese with Grapes - I'll give the combo a try!
Hi to parents and Dusty. Love - Aunt Nancy

mariland said...

Wow Lee, I can't believe I missed this blog entry. It seems that I check often, but things have been a bit busy here. Anyway, what a summer you've had. The pictures on the golf course are wonderful as well as those of all the fabulous adventures you have. Your parents are certainly making sure that you don't get bored!!
Grandpa and I had a wonderful time visiting with you - and playing golf in Mexico. I really didn't believe that you actually played - but you do. I think our time on the course was the very best round of golf I've ever played - certainly the most fun.
Hope to see you again very soon.
Love, Grandma