It's like The Michael Howland Show. Just smaller and cuter. Waaaayyy cuter.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beginning of 2011

The new year has come and the old has past. I had a made a new friend which I played with for a week. Then he had to leave to another state.

I guess there will be people that comes and goes like the year passes and comes but on the bright side, I had tons of fun. Have a great new year!!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Nancy said...

Hi Lee - Love the new pictures - you are getting to be so grown up. Love the one with Dusty looking in on your play. And, now in 2011 you have your Grandparents Howland near by to play with. They are VERY HAPPY to be able to see you and your parents often. Need to get over to see you and meet Yoshi. My Love - Nancy